Warhammer 40.000 — Gaunt's Ghosts: Honour Guard (HB)

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Kniha z grimdark sci-fi univerza Warhammer 40.000. Vypráví příběh oddílu Gaunt´s Ghosts.

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Kniha z grimdark sci-fi univerza Warhammer 40.000. Vypráví příběh oddílu Gaunt´s Ghosts.

In disgrace after a catastrophic war, Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt and the Tanith First are sent to retrieve precious artefacts from a world lost to Chaos. With enemy all around them and time against them, Gaunt's Ghosts and their allies must prevent the holy relics of Saint Sabbat from falling into their foes' hands, and as mysterious events begin to occur, Gaunt begins to suspect that the Saint herself might be aiding them from beyond the grave.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Black Library - knihy
Autor / Autoři: Dan Abnett
Nakladatel: Black Library
Vazba: Pevné Desky
Počet Stran: 294
Jazyk: Angličtina

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